Gambling Associated With Crime

Tags: anti-corruption corruption money laundering
Gambling related crimes

Discretion is strongly associated with. Illegal gambling, prostitution, racketeering, and extortion are all examples of. The explosion in violent crime in the. Crime linked to gambling is a huge problem. In fact some police forces have complained about the increase in call-outs to betting shops. This often concerns violence linked to fixed odds betting terminals. This is just the ‘tip of the iceberg’ though and sadly people are going to prison every week due to their gambling problems. When gambling was mostly illegal, it was associated with organized crime, urban street corners, police corruption and other shady characters. The labeling process may have inconsistencies; for instance, Bingo players at senior citizen centers or churches tend not to be seen as gamblers. PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Fifteen alleged members and associates of the south Philadelphia and southern New Jersey organized crime family face federal racketeering and related charges. According to a superseding indictment unsealed Monday, the defendants engaged in racketeering conspiracy, illegal gambling, loansharking, extortion and drug trafficking.

— Anti-Corruption News Story Curated by Anti-Corruption Digest International Risk & Compliance News

Whether it’s in movies, TV or popular culture, casinos and gambling are depicted as part of a criminal underworld, or at least linked to a criminal underbelly. But when you visit the best online casinos or head to your local licensed gambling establishment, none of those clichés apply.

Gambling associated with crimesAssociated

So why is gambling associated with crime? Is there still a criminal element to gambling, or is that link out of date?

The concept of money laundering has been around for centuries, but the term in law enforcement in relatively new. The idea is quite simple. If you get money from a criminal act, whether from extortion, drugs or theft, you can’t just turn around and use those funds without attracting attention from the cops and tax authorities. That’s why criminals need to move money around to make it seem like it was legitimately-earned cash rather than something nefarious.

Money laundering laws were originally created during the prohibition period. Mobsters and underground rings started creating places for people to drink and gamble illegally (and wanted to use the ill-gotten funds).

Gambling Associated With Crime Statistics

You can’t buy a car with a suitcase of cash without raising suspicion and depositing large sums of cash will also lead to some questions about how you got the money in the first place. In fact, mobsters like Al Capone were brought down due to money laundering and tax evasion rather than any other crime the mob was involved in.


This is where casinos come into the picture. Going to a physical casino meant that you could buy a huge stack of chips, gamble for a little while and then cash out, claiming that all those funds were gambling winnings. You could even ask other people to pay you in casino chips to avoid raising any eyebrows. Casino are often high-cash flow businesses, making them ideal for money laundering and making the source of the funds untraceable.

Gambling Associated With Crime Victimization

Source: Why is Gambling Associated with Crime? – Blog